Parking in Scheveningen

Parking nearby Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Scheveningen

Book a room

Parking garage Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Scheveningen

If you have booked a suite or superior room, there will be a parking spot reserved for you in our own underground parking garage. This without extra costs

For all other room types you can book a parking spot for €27,50 (from 1 P.M. to 1 P.M.), subject to availability.

You can contact the hotel for directions.

Free parking

Free parking is unfortunately not possible in the vicinity of our hotel.

From 12 A.M. until 10 A.M. free parking
Free parking is available from from 12 AM until 1 PM at the following locations:

  1. Nieuwe Parklaan from the church Scheveningen onwards (10 minutes walking/ 5 minutes cycling, max. 120 minutes parking)
  2. Van Bleiswijkstraat (10 minutes cycling), after € 1,95 per hour
  3. Dirk Hoogenraadstraat (behind the hotel, max. 120 minutes parking)
  4. Circusplein (behind the hotel, max.120 minutes parking)

Fixed parking rate

Five streets of the municipality The Hague are testing parking with a fixed parking rate of €50.00. This applies to the following streets: Gevers Deynootweg, Hartelveltstraat, Jongeneelstraat Pellenaerstraat en Seinpostduin.

Parking garages

  1. APCOA parking strand (garage): You can buy parking tickets at the hotel at a reduced rate € 19,20 per 24 hours (normal rate is €25.- per day, €3.50 per hour) (15 minutes walking)
  2. APCOA parking Nieuwe Parklaan (garage) € 35,00 per day (€1.15 per 15 minutes) (5 minutes walking)
  3. APCOA parking Kurhaus (garage) € 35,00 per day (€1.15 per 15 minutes) (5 minutes walking)


With Interparking you can reserve a parking spot online in the parking garage Boulevard Scheveningen. It lies at 10 minutes walking distance of the hotel. Parking is available from €17,50 per 24 hours. It is possible to choose a starting time and a date and from that moment you can park for 24 hours. You will be able to drive in and out of the parking garage at any given time. Your number plate is used for this. After you reserved and paid online you will receive a copy of your reservations in your e-mail with all the necessary information.

Reserve your parking spot

Park + Beach

With a Park+Beach reservation you can park cheaply at Q-Park and travel by tram or bicycle to the beach of Scheveningen.

You can park at Q-Park CS New Babylon, Q-Park Malieveld (New) and Q-Park Laakhaven (New). From all three parking garages it is only a 1-minute walk to the nearest tram stop or HTM Bicycle.

You only pay €5 per 24 hours for the car including one traveler. For each fellow traveler, you pay 1 euro extra (Max. 5 people. Children under 4 travel for free).

Park + Bike Duindigt
You can park your car at Park + Bike Duindigt on Waalsdorperlaan 34 in Wassenaar and continue cycling to the hotel. The parking costs are € 5.00 for parking. For € 8.00 the car can be parked including a public transport bicycle, with which you can travel further to Scheveningen.

P+R Prinses Maximaplein The Hague
You can park your car for free at P+R Station Ypenburg. You can reach The Hague Central Station within 8 minutes by train. From The Hague Central Station you can take tram 9 to Scheveningen in 14 minutes.

P+R Mariahoeve (Appelgaarde 201 The Hague)
You can park your car for free at P+R Mariahoeve. Tram 6 takes you to the center of The Hague in 15 minutes. Then you can take tram 9 in the direction of Scheveningen in 15 minutes.




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